How to show attitude to the girl | Best way to show attitude to the girls | how to get attitude in personality
How to show attitude to the girl | Best way to show attitude to the girls | how to get attitude in personality How to show attitude to the girl How to show attitude to the girl is the big question for all who want to show attitude to girl or want to impress the girl by their personality. 1. Generally, when boys like any girl we start to follow her and chase her daily. But this is the thing that which are most unattractive for girls. If you like any girl then don't follow her. Just Joint those classes in which the girl was going or if you are classment then only give her some signs like eye-contact, gentle smile, etc and try to make her a very good friend before telling her about your feeling. after making her good friend or giving some sign that you like her start completely ignore her for 1 or 2 days. Don't talk to her for 1 or 2 days if they want to talk to you. This gives that girl signal that you are different from other boys who always nice with her and ...